Monday, September 17, 2012

currying chicken

Mission chicken biryani.
feeling  tired
Change to chicken curry.
Me thinks gravy with chicken.
Curry on stove.
Plan add tomatoes for gravy.
Change because find curd in fridge.
Plan add yougurt for gravy.
Find gongura in fridge.
Plan for gongura chicken.
Realize no curd to sour stuff.
Curd to chicken cancel.
Dump gongura in almost done curry.
Me panick as curry look funny damaged.
Blink blink blink think!
Transfer chicken to other pot.
Plan to put gongura in blender.
Realize me too tired.
So plan change.
Dump chicken back into gongura.
Pour water, more salt, masala.
Now on stove cooking.......
Person to taste first is the ........!

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